From the materials we source and the techniques we use to manufacture, we have one simple goal: to ensure the best performing surfboards also leave the smallest environmental footprint possible. We are dedicated to elevating the surfing experience through innovative design, new materials and advanced construction methods.

Prioritize the
Every piece of gear we make is designed with a single goal in mind: to improve the surfing experience as much as possible while impacting the environment as little as possible.

Ethical responsibility
We work with and support a variety of non-profit environmental and humanitarian organizations around the world including Surfrider Foundation, Share the Stoke Foundation, Parley for the Oceans, Surfers Against Sewage, and more.

We always prioritize ethics in choosing our partners as well as our materials choices in our design process.

Continuously push
From how our products perform, and the manufacturing processes behind them, to the upcycled goods we create with our production waste - we are continuously working to refine our program and the surfing experience forward.