Article: The GLAZER – Rob compares his new LFT shape to his ‘Seaside’ and his ‘Seaside and Beyond’

The GLAZER – Rob compares his new LFT shape to his ‘Seaside’ and his ‘Seaside and Beyond’
Order your GLAZER online.
Find the GLAZER at a Surf Shop.
You would rather go to the beach like Rob Machado goes to the beach.
On an electric bike.
With a custom built trailer, made from bamboo you found in your Dad’s backyard.
Last month when beach bans were lifted in San Diego, California, Rob made it to the waves easier than most, because while the parking lots were still closed, they were only closed to cars. And just like Rob adapted from WCT to Freesurfer and more recently adapted from Quad to Thruster, he adapted again, from four wheels to two.
And now here we are, with him at the beach, watching him compare his three favorite surfboards.
The Helium Seaside, the LFT Seaside and Beyond, and his newest – the LFT GLAZER.
The Glazer was named after a professional photographer named Todd Glaser.
Or maybe it’s named after a donut from VGs Donuts; the shop around the corner from Rob’s house, just steps from Cardiff Reef.
Rob can’t remember exactly.
But whatever the Glazer’s naming inspiration was, we’re certain of what the GLAZER is – a high volume thruster that’s been designed over the past ten years to be one of the most versatile shapes ever released in Firewire’s line, whether groveling or barrel riding.
The GLAZER dates back to Rob’s original Biscuit from a decade ago.
Today it is something brand new, and totally different; built from entirely new materials – EPS foam, epoxy bio resins, and durable deck skins – all creating a surfboard with an approximate 30% reduction in carbon footprint when compared to traditional materials.
The GLAZER is also entirely new in it’s design – reshaped rails, brand new concave curves. An elevated rocker and an updated foil. Each of these changes create something laughably shredable for a guy who has spent the last several years convincing us of the merits of quads and twins for glide and trim.
And today, Rob gets the joke.
He laughs that he might now be ‘ready to go back on tour’ and ‘about to try an air‘ for the first time.
If you want to try an air on the GLAZER yourself, you can order on our website, or find one at your favorite Surf Shop. Tell them that Rob is ripping again.